Angel therapy

30 minutes 

I connect with Archangel Michael to clear any imbalances in your body and chakra system followed by connecting with Archangel Raphael to fill your body and chakra system with loving healing light and shield your aura in protective light. 

Whilst connected to the Archangels they may provide guidance on things to consider for improved harmony in your body. I may also feel the discomfort that you feel in your body, which will assist me in interpreting the guidance clearly.

Your experience will be unique to you and you will feel at greater peace by the end of the session. 

Energy exchange: £30

Crystal healing therapy

1 hour

This healing session will allow time for an initial consultation, followed by your crystal therapy which will be tailored to suit your needs to balance your chakras.

During this session, crystals will be intuitively placed on your body to cleanse and balance your energy, finished with some aura cleansing and protection. Whether you have health issues or are seeking a therapeutic practice to release stress and tension, this therapy will be deeply relaxing and you will feel at greater peace by the end of the session. 

Energy exchange: £50 or 3 sessions for £140

Energy cord cutting

30 minutes

This session is about consciously releasing energy attachments that no longer serve us or weigh us down, which can be related to situations, experiences, people or habits.

This hands off healing process will empower you to move forward with your life, having released energy that could have been holding you back without you even realising. 

I connect with Archangel Michael to identify and cut the cords of negative energy that are holding you back, followed by connecting with Archangel Raphael who will send loving healing light to the places where the cords were attached.

Your experience will be unique to you and you will feel more empowered, at peace and supported by the angels.

Energy exchange: £30

Rahanni celestial healing

1 hour

Rahanni is a heart centred healing modality that is of a 5D vibration, releasing negativity and fear-based energy.

This soothing healing vibrates unconditional love from the Rahanni angels and galactic guides who support you to release what no longer serves you. The healing will balance the masculine and feminine energies as well as heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers of your body.

This healing can benefit everyone but could be particularly beneficial to people who experience nervous system related symptoms such as individuals with anxiety, sleep disorders, ADHD, Autism, Long Covid, M.E & Fibromyalgia.

Energy exchange: £45 or 3 sessions for £125


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